AUTOMATIC CHAIN OF n CLIENT COPIES FROM CLIENT A TO CLIENT B1...Bn THE REASONS TO IMPLEMENT SUCH A CLIENT COPY CHAIN: - Sometimes n>10 client copies have to runn on a regular nightly basis (training systems) - It is not advisable to run two client coppies from the same client at the same time - The next client copy has to start right aafter the finished one - The client copy chain has to run automatiically - The whole scenario should be set up only once, and shold never be maintained again HOW TO CREATE A CHAIN OF n CLIENT COPIES FROM CLIENT A TO CLIENT B1...Bn: 1. Create n-1 events: event2...eventn 2. Write a program called ZRAISE: parameters: event(10) call function 'BP_EVENT_RAISE' exporting eventid = event. 3. In client B1: - Create a periodic background client copy job with SCC0 with start time and period value - Create a variant for ZRAISE called event2 with the value event2 - Add ZRAISE to the copy job as a second step with variant event2 In client Bi (i=1...n-1): - Create a periodic background client copy job with SCC0 triggered by eventi - Create a variant for ZRAISE called event(i+1) with the value event(i+1) - Add ZRAISE to the copy job as a second step with variant event(i+1) In client Bn: - Create a periodic background client copy job with SCC0 triggered by eventn